Pahala Seorang Wanita Ketahuilah sesungguhnya secebis kasih membuat kita sayang. sebuah persahabatan akan selamanya bermakna.." Jaga diri & Berhati-hati, Buat sahabat- sampaikanlah artikel ini kpd para wanita...... . 1. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 orang wali. 2. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 lelaki soleh. 3. Seorang wanita yang jahat adalah lebih buruk daripada 1,000 lelaki yang jahat. 4. 2 rakaat solat dari wanita yang hamil adalah lebih baik daripada 80 rakaat solat wanita yang tidak hamil. 5. Wanita yang memberi minum susu kepada anaknya daripada badannya (susu badan) akan dapat satu pahala daripada tiap-tiap titik susu yang diberikannya. 6. Wanita yang melayan dengan baik suami yang pulang ke rumah di dalam keadaan letih akan mendapat pahala jihad. 7. Wanita yang habiskan malamnya dengan tidur yang tidak selesa kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan 20 orang hamba. 8. Wanita yang melihat suaminya dengan kasih sayang dan suami yang melihat isterinya dengan kasih sayang akan dipandang Allah dengan penuh rahmat. 9. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 maalaikat dan bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga, dan menunggu suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut. 10. Wanita yang tidak cukup tidur pada malam hari kerana menjaga anak yang sakit akan diampunkan oleh Allah akan seluruh dosanya dan bila dia hiburkan hati anaknya Allah memberi 12 tahun pahala ibadat. 11. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan "bismillah" akan didoakan oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan. 12. Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan bismillah", Allah akan berkatkan rezekinya. 13. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala seperti meyapu lantai di baitullah. 14. Wanita yang menjaga solat, puasa dan taat pada suami, Allah akan mengizinkannya untuk memasuki syurga dari mana-mana pintu yang dia suka 15.. Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala berpuasa pada siang hari. 16 Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala beribadat pada malam hari. 17. Wanita yang bersalin akan mendapat pahala 70 tahun solat dan puasa dan setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya Allah mengurniakan satu pahala haji. 18. Sekiranya wanita mati dalam masa 40 hari selepas bersalin, dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid. 19. Jika wanita melayan suami tanpa khianat akan mendapat pahala 12 tahun solat.. 20. Jika wanita menyusui anaknya sampai cukup tempoh (2 1/2 tahun), maka maalaikat- 21. Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kepada anaknya yang menangis, Allah akan memberi pahala satu tahun solat dan puasa. 22. Jika wanita memicit suami tanpa disuruh akan mendapat pahala 7tola emas dan jika wanita memicit suami bila disuruh akan mendapat pahala tola perak. 23. Wanita yang meniggal dunia dengan keredhaan suaminya akan memasuki syurga. 24. Jika suami mengajarkan isterinya satu masalah akan mendapat pahala80 tahun ibadat. Pandangan: Amatlah mudah bagi seorang wanita untuk menjejak Syurga.Namun begitu mengapa terlalu ramai yang masih hidup dalam kejahilan?Sang suami pula perlu ingat, tidak kamu jejaki syurga sebelum keluarga kamu menjejak syurga. Jangan ingathendak kahwin empat jika yang satu belum terbela.Yang belum kahwin tu ingat, kamu terdedah kepada kemungkaran. Iman akan dicabar sehebat- Siapa tahu, hari ini hari terakhir kita berjumpa pasangan kita sebab dipertengahan jalan, dia berjumpa Izrail. Bagaimana rasanya ketika berjumpa Izrail? Untuk yang beriman, macam 700 pedang yang tajam mencucuk kamu dalam semua arah. Yang tak beriman, tumpul. Pisau tu menetak kepala kita macam mana orang memecahkan tempurung kelapa. Kepala kita di kopak dua,dipisahkan dengan kasarnya, ketika kita masih hidup. Lepas tu di kapak-kapak kan kepala kita macam tembikai. Itu baru bab kepala. Belum masuk tangan,kaki, badan,etc... . Dipetik daripada Bayan Masturat Oleh Syed Ahmad Khan; Januari 1992. Hadis nabi mengenai wanita. Doa perempuan lebih makbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki.Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda, "Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia". Nilai Seorang wanita solehah Dibawah ini adalah beberapa petikan hadis yang menyatakan mengenai kelebihan wanita solehah, mudah-mudahan dengan membaca dan menghayati hadis ini akan memberi kekuatan kepada kita untuk mengamalkan Islamdalam erti kata yang sebenarnya. Insya - ALLAH. "Empat jenis, siapa yang diberi akan keempat - empat jenis ini beerti dia telah memperolehi sebaik - baik dunia dan akhirat. Iaitu hati yang selalu bersyukur, lidah yang sentiasa berzikir, jiwa yang selalu sabar dengan cubaan dan isteri yang tidak melakukan dosa dan menzalimi suaminya". Ath-Thabrani. "Tidak perlu lagi seorang mukmin setelah ianya bertakwa kepada ALLAH akan sebaik - baik keperluan baginya selain dari isteri yang solehah. Jika ia menyuruh isteri mentaatinya. Dan jika dia melihat kepada isterinya, isterinya menyukakan hatinya. Dan jika dia menyumpah memarahi isterinya, isterinya tetap juga berbuat baik kepada suaminya.Dan jika suaminya tiada dirumah dia menyimpan rahsia dan harta suaminya". Ibnu-majah. "Janganlah kamu mengahwini wanita kerana paras rupa yang cantik, mungkin paras rupa itu membawa kehancuran, jangan kamu kahwini wanita kerana hartanya kerana berkemungkinan harta itu membawa kepada kezaliman. Tetapi kahwinlah wanita kerana agamanya, seorang wanita hamba yang hitam yang mengha yati agama sesungguhnya lebih baik" Ibnu - Majah |
Alopz fwensh…. Since korg da bukak blog aku… Bukak je laaa,ade aku kesah?? Wakwakwakwak Gelak same dia..yahoooooo~ Aku ade pantun best punye…anak cine mkan pengat,sendiri mau ingat!! So pandai2 le wat pape yg patot kat blog ngongek aku nih~ aRaHaN kPaDe Yg bUkE BlOg aKu SecAre sNgaJe MahoPon X, tOl0Ng a KtAwE aTaU lAkUKan ApE PoN JniS pBuAtAn yG mNunJuKkaN kOrG sUpPoRt Bl0g AkuH...weeEEeeEeEheHehEhEhheHe
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
17 A's Student Failed 2nd Year University Exam
"The roots of true achievement lie in the will to become the best that you can become...."
The Failure of Nur Who Scored 17 A's!
I was really shocked and speechless to be informed about Nur Amalina Che Bakri.
Nur Amalina had held briefly the record of the most A's scored in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Upon the announcement of results of SPM 2004 on 26 March 2005, she received 17 1As - a record for number of A's received by a student in the history of Malaysian education back then. She was sponsored by Bank Negara Malaysia to study medicine in the United Kingdom, and did her A-levels at the Cheltenham Ladies College in the UK.
Now I am informed that she had failed her second year medical study at the University of Edinburgh. What went wrong?
Could English language be the problem? We are going back to Malay medium again and that means trouble.
Another article by Dr. Hsu
I was told that one of the girls with the most number of A's, 17 A1's, in SPM and who is currently on a scholarship in UK to study medicine failed in her second year examination.
While passing and failing examination is part and parcel of a student's life, this case is particularly alarming, as this is supposed to be our cream of the cream. There may be other reasons why she failed, but this case typifies the trend of many of our so-called 'top scholars' failing in overseas universities.
I have mentioned before that among my daughter's year doing medicine in University of Auckland, there were many JPA's scholars (more than 10). Only one graduated with the class. The rest have failed along the way and have to repeat the year which they have failed. Some have failed one year, passed on second attempt and then failed again in another year. It is not uncommon to have someone who failed a few times along the way.
These scholars are supposed to represent the cream of our students, and yet they struggled to get through the course.
We must find out the reasons why so many of these scholars fail when they are supposed to be the our top students..
Granted that in an examination, even a good student can do badly sometimes, but to have a disproportional high failure rate among the so called top students is alarming and cannot be attributed to ‘luck’ or the lack of it. Compare this with those on their fathers’ scholarship, very few of the latter group failed.
Is it because our marking system is at fault? Is there any differential markings of papers? Is our education system at fault?
I think the time has come to have a thorough re-examination of the whole education as well as the examination system.
It really reflects badly on our country when scholarship holders fail in their examinations at an alarming rate.
P.S.. When a scholarship holder fails and has to repeat a year, it would cost the Country a lot of money which can actually be used to finance more students for study. Scholarship holders also live a life of relative luxury, compared to self-financed students, and they normally stay in the best hostels and many of them have cars and so on… SO the whole system of awarding scholarship should be reviewed too..
If the students scores an exemplary number of distinctions (A's in Malaysia) in a public exam, they are considered the pinnacle of what the Country's education system is capable of producing. They are expected to go through tertiary education anywhere in the world with flushing success. So what could possibly have happened if they fail abroad?
Malaysia's education system has always been a laughing stock. Based purely on numeric superiority and mindless rote learning methods that even the British has long abandoned decades earlier, Malaysia continues to believe that the more A's the students attain, the better equipped they are. It doesn't matter how they get the A's so long as the aim is to get them and get as many in the process. So if the students were to labour over numerous past year exam papers in the library, memorise the answers and focus only on what the teacher 'suggests' are likely to come out for the exam, that's all right by everyone. The education system doesn't teach the students to UNDERSTAND the material. It doesn't encourage proactive teaching methods that encourage students to discover knowledge but to merely be taught.
When a student with 17 Distinctions fail in the real world, it is not a surprise. Perhaps it is to many Malaysians, but it's a system that is waiting to reward its students with spectacular failure when they leave the shores and compete overseas or when they enter the workforce. Many organisations in the private sector have continued to be horrified at the performance of such students during interviews. Communication skills are absent. Standard ethics are absent. Common courtesy codes are absent. Presentation skills as well as personal grooming are absent. What has the education system taught them?
If Malaysia continue to embark on the road of plain numeric superiority instead of to challenge the students to think, provoke them to create their own opinions and to communicate expressively, to eloquently define their standing in the world, there can never be an international leader in any field or industry emanating from Malaysia. It never produced one in the last 20 years. It never will for the next 100 years.
Kenapa boleh jadi macam ni? Sistem permarkahan Malaysia terlalu rendah sangat ke? Atau dia sendiri mengalami kejutan budaya di sana sampai leka tak belajar?
The Failure of Nur Who Scored 17 A's!

Nur Amalina had held briefly the record of the most A's scored in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Upon the announcement of results of SPM 2004 on 26 March 2005, she received 17 1As - a record for number of A's received by a student in the history of Malaysian education back then. She was sponsored by Bank Negara Malaysia to study medicine in the United Kingdom, and did her A-levels at the Cheltenham Ladies College in the UK.
Now I am informed that she had failed her second year medical study at the University of Edinburgh. What went wrong?
Could English language be the problem? We are going back to Malay medium again and that means trouble.
Another article by Dr. Hsu
I was told that one of the girls with the most number of A's, 17 A1's, in SPM and who is currently on a scholarship in UK to study medicine failed in her second year examination.
While passing and failing examination is part and parcel of a student's life, this case is particularly alarming, as this is supposed to be our cream of the cream. There may be other reasons why she failed, but this case typifies the trend of many of our so-called 'top scholars' failing in overseas universities.
I have mentioned before that among my daughter's year doing medicine in University of Auckland, there were many JPA's scholars (more than 10). Only one graduated with the class. The rest have failed along the way and have to repeat the year which they have failed. Some have failed one year, passed on second attempt and then failed again in another year. It is not uncommon to have someone who failed a few times along the way.
These scholars are supposed to represent the cream of our students, and yet they struggled to get through the course.
We must find out the reasons why so many of these scholars fail when they are supposed to be the our top students..
Granted that in an examination, even a good student can do badly sometimes, but to have a disproportional high failure rate among the so called top students is alarming and cannot be attributed to ‘luck’ or the lack of it. Compare this with those on their fathers’ scholarship, very few of the latter group failed.
Is it because our marking system is at fault? Is there any differential markings of papers? Is our education system at fault?
I think the time has come to have a thorough re-examination of the whole education as well as the examination system.
It really reflects badly on our country when scholarship holders fail in their examinations at an alarming rate.
P.S.. When a scholarship holder fails and has to repeat a year, it would cost the Country a lot of money which can actually be used to finance more students for study. Scholarship holders also live a life of relative luxury, compared to self-financed students, and they normally stay in the best hostels and many of them have cars and so on… SO the whole system of awarding scholarship should be reviewed too..
If the students scores an exemplary number of distinctions (A's in Malaysia) in a public exam, they are considered the pinnacle of what the Country's education system is capable of producing. They are expected to go through tertiary education anywhere in the world with flushing success. So what could possibly have happened if they fail abroad?
Malaysia's education system has always been a laughing stock. Based purely on numeric superiority and mindless rote learning methods that even the British has long abandoned decades earlier, Malaysia continues to believe that the more A's the students attain, the better equipped they are. It doesn't matter how they get the A's so long as the aim is to get them and get as many in the process. So if the students were to labour over numerous past year exam papers in the library, memorise the answers and focus only on what the teacher 'suggests' are likely to come out for the exam, that's all right by everyone. The education system doesn't teach the students to UNDERSTAND the material. It doesn't encourage proactive teaching methods that encourage students to discover knowledge but to merely be taught.
When a student with 17 Distinctions fail in the real world, it is not a surprise. Perhaps it is to many Malaysians, but it's a system that is waiting to reward its students with spectacular failure when they leave the shores and compete overseas or when they enter the workforce. Many organisations in the private sector have continued to be horrified at the performance of such students during interviews. Communication skills are absent. Standard ethics are absent. Common courtesy codes are absent. Presentation skills as well as personal grooming are absent. What has the education system taught them?
If Malaysia continue to embark on the road of plain numeric superiority instead of to challenge the students to think, provoke them to create their own opinions and to communicate expressively, to eloquently define their standing in the world, there can never be an international leader in any field or industry emanating from Malaysia. It never produced one in the last 20 years. It never will for the next 100 years.
Kenapa boleh jadi macam ni? Sistem permarkahan Malaysia terlalu rendah sangat ke? Atau dia sendiri mengalami kejutan budaya di sana sampai leka tak belajar?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
ni j a yg mampu ak katekan......
ak pon xtw ap yg ak maukn skang
hati ak sdih sgt....ak xtw knp
tp prasaan ak sdih sgt
sdih yg xdpt nk dbayangkn
jiwa ak sakit.....
ntah, susah nk terangkn
ak x ckup smayang ke???? rohani ak kosong ke????
ntah....ak smayang, ak byk kn ngaji, ak gi usrah walau hati berat gile
ak cube nk dkatkn diri ngn tuhan,,,,supaya hati ak lbih tnang
tp xdpt....ak xtw knape
ak ad wt dosa ngn org yg x terampunkn ke???
ya Allah....bantulah ak
semua org yg prnah mngenali ak....maafkn lah ak
bg tw a ak, ap2 j......supaye ak dpt btolkn ksalahan ni
ak x tenang.....hati ak x tenteram...
semua ni tjadi tanpe ak tau sbb ny
ak skrg cube utk mlupekn prasaan ni
ak cube utk tidak slalu bsendirian...ak nk lupe
lupe dgn keadaan yg btol x mnyenangkn ni
ak nk balik......dok ngn mak.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
perasaan smakin trok...butang baju ttanggal 1 per satu....dan ak mule merasakan badan ak mmbesar dgn sgt luar biasa...urat2 tmbul kehalusan kulit ak masih kekal....jadi....ak tlah btukar kpade hulk yg bkulit mulus!!!!wah!!!raksasa jelita tlh muncul...!
tanpe mmikirkn keadaan skitar ak tros mmijak2 bgunan2 yg berada d bwah kangkang ak...
yeaaahhh!!!yeahhhh!!! org ats bngunan yg tgh pning pikir nk trjun ke x, ak tros j jentik...lalu mreka disahkn mati dbunuh,bkn bunuh dri sperti yg drancang...ak tros mngamok dan mngamok...ak hilg pdoman....aceceehhhh hilang pdoman nenek ak!!!
oleh krane tlalu tension ak tros mmecut laju ke bandung.....destinasi: ciwalk....aim ak: final destination 3D...humangaih...lapo!!! situ tmpt standard shopping, nk mkn ap ak....batang mop??? xdapek nyo....naseb ad yg nk blanje pizza hut...hah! mmg kluar la saka2 ak.....mlantak cm babi hutan! hah lupe nk gtaw, makhluk2 yg tlibat.....ak irfan mas fit miza azrol aspa...
hihihihi geng ak mmg sporting...rjin bjalan....bak kate roni, mcm tlepas dri penjara....batak gile nk gi sane sini...
masuk a wayang....tgk org2 dy sume cm robocop x siap....pakai spek sbelah merah sbelah biru sblah hitam....*hitam dy bingkai tu laaa....nmpk sgt kuno x pnah pakai
dduk cte da start...mule2 2 xd mnde a.....ckp sane ckp sini.....bile dah start action dy....mmg gigil kpale lutut!!! kpale lutut diorg a...ak x, ak kan dak educated, so maintain poyo... ahahahahaha *kaunter pukul ad kat sbelah kaunter ikan
ko jgn ckp a....cter final destination 2 mmg agk celaka a....yg ak lak gi bli tket 3D....mmg suwaa suweyy ke moning!!! cter skit ny seram....3D lg....mmg x putus2 ak btakbir dlm wayang 2....mcm puak taliban gitu a...
abes wyg,,,,sume tcengang2...xtw nk gi mn....muke sume cm org terkincit dlm dak educated cm ak j x...muke still kiut walau dpandang dri celah mn pon...pas2 ktrg pon balik laaaa....blik ke rumah yg terchenta dgn prasaan seram dbunoh cm final destination dan yg pling pnting, smenjak 2, aspa sering mndapat gmbaran skilas akn kjadian2 yg bakal blaku mcm dlm cter kami semua tlah mpertingkatkn bacaan surah sunat dlm smayang, supaye x mati katak...
balik tros tdo tanpe basuh kaki, dan kate org kalo x basuh kaki nnt mimpi burok, tp ak cm mimpi best j mlam kate org tersebot lgsung xle digunapakai...lgpon org bijak pandai cm ak mmg xpercaya kate org, cuma prcaya kate2 diri ak kate, besok ak dpt kete myvi, jadi apekah bnar???? so, kite tggu dan lihat....(bunyi drum saspen)
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